Posted: 8 months ago

‘Sport has kept my mind-frame positive’; Amelia McFarland reflects after a year of cancer treatment and ‘dream come true’ debuts


LESS than 12 months after being diagnosed with breast cancer, Amelia McFarland made her debut for Blackrock College in the Energia All-Ireland League. The inspirational 33-year-old is now using her experiences to encourage others to get checked for early symptoms of the disease.

“If you had asked me last January what I would be doing, I would never have said starting for Blackrock,” Amelia stated.

“Going through cancer treatment there are lots of lows, but it’s like everything and knowing when to find the silver lining. I focused on my headspace and being mentally positive.

“Don’t get me wrong, there were many times when I felt very down, and sometimes I was doing things I had routinely done like lifting a bucket of water when out with my horses and I was not able to do it. It was really upsetting to me. But the thing that kept going around my head was this isn’t for ever; your body is going to heal from this. Your body has the capacity to do so much right. Yes it failed me slightly, but it has so much capacity to heal.

“A positive mindset isn’t feeling wonderful all the time and it’s being able to bring yourself up when you feel down and, for me, that was through sport.

“Saying that, I was so nervous to make my debut and I remember turning round to someone and saying ‘this time last year I was being diagnosed with cancer and hadn’t even started my chemo journey. Then, a year later to be playing in EIL with huge names like I did, it was unbelievable, and it was a dream come true”.

 McFarland has been nominated for Personality of the Year in the HerSport Awards which take place on the 27th January.

Amelia is in the same category as Annalise Murphy, Fionnuala McCormack, Hannah Tyrell, Mary Hickey-Nolan, Nicci Daly, Ruesha Littlejohn, Sarah Lavin, Shauna Bannon and Siofra Lawless.

“I’m in a group with so many phenomenal athletes with so much more of a following that I could ever imagine having. I’m just a little girl from Donegal so I wouldn’t be expecting any prizes, but I’m just delighted to be nominated. I think that’s phenomenal in itself,” Amelia remarked.

“I’m just living my life, but it’s just amazing to think that so many people around me have supported me so much and it’s overwhelming – I don’t have words for it!”

One of Amelia’s aims during chemo was to fulfil her dream of playing rugby in the desert and, in December, she achieved this as she competed for Hearts and Bulls in the Dubai Sevens.

“Sport has kept my mind-frame positive and that’s why I love rugby so much. It’s as simple as loving being around people, playing a game and bringing myself out of those bad patches. Knowing that there are places to go when you’re worried, and there is always someone who will listen and will help you, is huge,” the winger added.

“Not sitting on the couch and watching tonnes of Netflix and wallowing in my misery during the height of chemo when I was really tired, gave me a sense of achievement getting out.

“The reason I tell my story is because I want to spread awareness and so people know what to look for. There are so many people who live with cancer that have amazing lives. I want people to go away and think ‘oh wait, maybe I should get that checked’”.

Before playing for Blackrock, Amelia had played for City of Derry after joining in 2016 and still remains close to those involved.

“The Derry rugby community is absolutely amazing and their support was something else. When I first got diagnosed and I hadn’t told anyone, we were down playing Cavan and I was really upset. I turned round to Kelly Gormley and said ‘I don’t think I can do this’ and she said I should tell the girls and that they were worried about me. At the next training session after that match, I said that I’d be diagnosed and the outpour was phenomenal. Every single one of them has been amazing – they’re like family to me.

“The hospitals have also been amazing. They are dealing with so many patients but, every single time I’m in the chemo ward, they always have a smile for me. They are just the most amazing people.”

Thankfully Amelia only has four more sessions of ‘mini chemo’ left and will be finished her treatment by March, and has high hopes for the year ahead.

I would love to put on an Ulster jersey. That would be amazing. I would love to see Blackrock up on the top of the league and to win some silverware. That would be unbelievable and would top off a great year”.


Personality Of The Year – Her Sport Awards

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