Posted: 3 months ago

Picture parade from day of firsts with all female boxing event staged in Belfast and a landmark coaching qualification for wheelchair user Kelly Sloan

Kelly Sloan receives her coaching certificate from Councillor Ruth Brooks

ULSTER boxing history was made as the Country Antrim association staged the province’s first ever all female event at Springmartin Community Hub in Belfast. 

Held in conjunction with Belfast City Council boxing strategy and its female development squad initiative, the event featured 18 top quality exhibitions with all female boxers, coaches, officials medical staff and presenters.

In what is hoped to be the first in a long line of all female events from this development squad, double Olympian and three times Commonwealth Games medalist and current history maker in her own right, 12 time Irish elite champion Michaela Walsh handed out the medals.

Councillor Ruth Brooks, chair of the People and Communities committee and Disability Working Group on Belfast City Council, made the presentations.

Cllr Brooks presented Kelly Sloan, from City of Belfast Boxing Academy, with her IABA Fundamentals of Boxing coaching certificate, Kelly being the first wheelchair user in the city to complete her fundamentals.

Other recipients of their fundamentals coaching certificates were Under 22 European Silver Medalist Carleigh Irving (Oakleaf) and Irish elite finalist Zoe McCaughran (Evolution)

County Antrim President, Patrick Barnes Senior, awarded two services to County Antrim Boxing and Women In Sport awards to Kate Meli (Immaculata BC) and Anne Murphy (Banbridge BC).

Pictures: MARK BARLOW, Antrim Boxing