Posted: 12 hours ago

In pictures… all the Schools Cup hockey winners on Day 2 of Finals Week… congratulations to Rainey Endowed at the double, Sullivan Upper and Belfast Royal Academy

Rainey Endowed are the McDowell Cup winners after victory over Royal School, Armagh

Stormont crowd for Rainey v Armagh. Rainey won 3-1 in shootout after 0-0 full time draw

Armagh huddle

Rainey v Armagh action

Rainey v Armagh action

Sullivan Upper, 4-1 Gibson Plate final winners over Regent House

Rainey Endowed defeated Coleraine Grammar 2-0 in the Junior Cup final

Belfast Royal Academy won the McDowell Shield Final with a 3-1 shootout victory over Wallace High after a 0-0 draw at full time