Posted: 1 year ago

Anna’s brilliant Euro cross country finish is a tale of mud and guts

EAST Down AC’s Anna Gardiner, who is the current Irish Cross Country Champion at both U18 and U20, produced the run of her life so far, to finish 7th in the U20 European Cross Country championships in Brussels. 

She placed 1st in the Irish team by a distance and helped the team place 5th. 

Anna, coached by Peter Morgan, ran with real confidence and actually commented afterwards that despite the mud, Gowran where she gained her Irish titles, was far worse! 

This was her second outing at the European Cross Country Championships – last year she was 59th.  She actually has another two years left in the age group.

The championships are due to be held in Turkey in 2024 but hopefully we will see a lot more of Anna in action before then.